"Most Wanted Drilling, LLC your preferred drilling contractor for all your large diameter drilling needs."


about us

Most Wanted Drilling is a general engineering contractor with over 25 years of experience in the large diameter drilling industry. We specialize in large diameter drilling of all types including caissons, pier foundations, conducting wells, abutments and more. We have provided services to many industries including electrical utilities, public and private water providers, cellular communications, ground stabilization and more. Out office is in Northern Utah enabling us to provide services over the intermountain west.


"Providing services across the intermountain west."



Address: 1516 W Stone Field Way #2

Pleasant View, Utah 84414

Phone: 385.298.1108

Contacts: Brad Argyle, 435.237.3924, Brad@mostwanteddrillingLLC.com

Mike Argyle, 435.535.5618, Mike@mostwanteddrillingLLC.com

Field Ops: Gary Fullmer, 801.244.6351, Gary@mostwanteddrillingLLC.com

We are ready to help. Please fill out the information below and we will be sure to get back to you right away, or you can call or email one of our team members. 


"We are the most wanted drilling contractor around."
